Latest Events

  Karma Dechen Chöling invites for the program Progressive Stages of Meditation on Emptiness Level V Mahamudra Date: 11.05.2018 (Friday) - 13.05.2018 (Sunday) Lecturer: Jim Scott more details in bookmark "Trainings"      
We invites for the program with Mitra phd Karl Brunnhölzl ABHISAMAJĀLAṂKĀRA The Ornament of Clear Realization. More details at bookmark "Trainings"
Progressive Stages of Meditation on Emptiness - Level IV - Shentong. Lecturer: Jim ScottMore in bookmark "Trainings"
Karma Dechen Choling is pleased to announce program with Acharya Lama Kelzang Wangdi, who will present the 6th Shamarpa's Presentation of a Summary of the Common Teachings, Smiling Radiance of the Laughing Mañjugośa. Kama Dechen Choling in Warsaw is honoured to host this historical, very first presentation of this text in the West. This text, found several years ago by XVII Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje, is the basis for studying logic, philosophical views and practice of debate in the Kagyu tradition. Details: Inaugural lecture: 12th of January, 2018, 7 PM - 8.30 PM From January 13th to January 21st, 2018, lectures will be held daily from 9 AM to 6 PM with a...
Progressive Stages of Meditation on Emptiness - Level III - Svatantrika Madhyamika. Lecturer: Jim Scott